We have worked with developers to create visual displays that best encapsulate their condo/apartment projects. The level of detail and the quality we ensure are primed to provide a clear-cut visualization for home-buyers.
In many cases, a model builder has to learn to read between the lines given that sometimes, there is a lack of information to begin with. Or that there may be too much information that may complicate the process of making the model. However, we have done so much with so little for so long that we are now equipped to do anything with nothing.
We understand the skepticism among home-buyers when making a decision, particularly on a property that is not completed. There have been cases of models differing from what the development really is but with our reputation on the line, we guarantee models that are both reliable and dependable.
To provide a better visualization for showroom displays, we have featured settings involving mini replicas of everyday people going about their daily lives in our models. For instance, a reenactment of people crowding a café through the use of miniature dolls. Additionally, our models can be electrically powered in such, lights in our models can be turned on or off.